CANDY IS NOW CLOSED - I'LL BE BACK SUNDAY TO ANNOUNCE THE WINNER!!! THANKS!!Hi - well I have started going through my boxes in the hopes that soon my Craft Room Addition will be finished and I can move in! Hubby has put all the insulation in and sheet rock and ceiling are next!
Well as I was going through my mountains of stuff I started putting aside a stack to put in a garage sale... I have no idea when that will happen, can't happen here cuz I live out in the country. So I decided, I would much rather instead of taking stuff and selling somewhere else I would love to see it all go to someone that would love to receive it and will actually use it! Many of these items have never been used (shhh don't tell Hubby) others just used a time or two... and now they need to move on to someone that will show them some love!
And you never know.. I may just keep adding to this! :0)

So what do we have in these horrible photos.. (this stuff was hard to photo!)

Starting with all of the stamps... (my CD case era... LOL) This is
Technique Tuesday - Whirly Gig
Autumn Leaves - Minis (multiple collections)
Autumn Leaves - Snap Frame Alphabet by Katie Pertiet
Stampendous! - Petal Plus
Stampendous! - Encouraging Words
See D's - Piece of Cake
See D's - Plain Jane Alphabet Set
See D's - Springtime Swirls
See D's - Dot to Dot Alphabet Set
See D's - Picture This
Love Foam Set

Then I also found:
2 Hot off the Press Sara Books Love & Family sets
Hot off the Press 8x8 Wedding Papers
Hot off the Press 8x8 Baby Papers
2 spiral journal to decorate!

Again ... I just may add more to this :0)
So what do you need to do win my "stuff"?
Spread the word of my Candy with a link to my blog on your blog.
If you don't have a blog then please let the world know by telling your friends or shouting out on whatever forum you belong.
Leave a comment ON THIS POST with a link to where you spread the news
If you would like to be a follower that would be great - if you already are - Thanks so much! But not necessary to winning ;0)
And that is it! I'll ship world wide so no worries there -
This Candy will close on Saturday Sept. 26th at Midnight Central Time - then on Sunday Sept. 27th I'll do a random number generator and announce the winner that evening!