Howdy -
Libbie has her place in the hallway - she has always loved laying in the hallway, the center of the house. But since she now is blind, it is her place in the house to listen and know everything going on the house.
Now that sounds very simple. But in our house there is LOTS of noise. Inside - us, 4 cats, her daughter Chica, plus all the household things. Then outside all the goats, donkeys and chickens are always making some sort of sounds. So she has a whole lot of sounds to keep her busy taking it all in.
Went outside early - right out the backyard gate were the three stooges enjoying breakfast - I was trying to snap a photo of our old girl Cocoa.. actually we have no clue how old she is as we got her years ago as a rescue donkey, she was pregnant with Valentine when we brought her home.
Man that was nearly 20 years ago! Anyway her son Valentine is always near ... love how he was peeking under her head to see me! He is nearly 20 and still a big baby boy!
Speaking of baby.. our youngest little girl Penelope. I love when her Mom is busy, only then Penelope will come right to me and let me love all over her.
Head to toe I loved on this little beauty. I just Love her!
Oh my if only you could hear the noises coming from Domino's pen... girls are teasing him... its all very loud.
And he is falling for it. This is his I am hot, a good looking dude for sure! Hot? not sure adorable Yes!
Then always at my feet when I am out taking photographs. My sweet Moxie.
Is it just me, or a lot of my fur children sticking their tongues out at me lately? LOL
As I came back towards the house... I found Chica - eating Momma Cats breakfast. I yelled now and told her to get in the house now!
This was the face I came in the back door and found. OH MY Melt my heart. Its ok Chica you are so adorable I still love you completely! Such a sweet little girl ... eating the cat's breakfast is about the only rule she breaks ever! She is a great little girl.
Now as for this little boy... sigh...
That is a LARGE Donkey puppet that normally is found up on a shelf in my office. The other morning Hubby and I were working packing up items for the post office when Mercedes, "Bubba" is about all he is called now it fits so much better. Anyway Bubba goes trotting between Hubby and I dragging this donkey behind him. We just looked at each other and cracked up. Now should have run right after him and got it away from him, but seriously it was so so funny we just couldn't. And the I found him with it again yesterday. Oh my this cat is a riot! The only boy of the four, he just is always getting into things and doing daredevil things to get into trouble. But we adore him completely. He is a love!
Hope you have a smile - and have a blessed weekend.
HUGS and