Howdy -
Ok, its been a long week, and honestly I just didn't feel up to going out and getting photos this week. It was hot and humid and most all my fur children were off in the shade chillin' -
I decided it has been a long time since I did a Memory Post... I know lazy, but its been a week.. :0)
First up this photo of Moxie.... I adore coming through our gate and seeing this girl laying in the drive waiting for us -
When she isn't in her place, the first thing I do is get out of the truck and yell out for her to come. She is older now, and her hearing isn't what it use to be so sometimes she doesn't hear us coming through the gate as well - but once she hears us... she is there with her ears up and a grin, and lots of loving!
One of my older favorites is this photo of my man and our "new puppy" Libbie. Man we miss Libbie so much. This photo is one that pulls my heart - love it.
She was such an adorable puppy! And my guy is pretty handsome as well!
We Miss You Libbie! She gave us over 15 years of joy!
Ok, hubby wasn't thrilled when I showed this photo the first time. But come on! It is a great photo!! I love the look in Porche's eyes.... Gottcha!!
There are so many great photos of our donkey's and babies on first day with Hubby. Could have posted so so many - This is one of the last... Hubby with Jolene and her baby Josie.
So so cute! We need some new babies don't we? Hoping this year all goes well and we can breed and get us MORE BABIES!!
This is Hannah and Juliet. Not a perfect photo... but I love that these two have become bonded and are BFFs! They are always together. ALWAYS
Goats... There are so many great photos. I'm not sure why this one of Penelope is marked as one of my favorites. But I just love it. This girl is always right in my face wanting attention, now that she is all grown up and not quite as cautious with her Mom shadowing over her that it. She is so sweet!
And if you were to ask what is my all time favorite goat photo? This would have to be it! Baby Olive Oyl. We miss her too... she was such a loving goat. And such a friendly little kid. I snapped this photo of her after an afternoon nap... is that a stretch enjoying the sunshine or what?
So adorable! I am sorry it lamed out this week, but really personally I needed some sweet memories to go back and enjoy. I do hope you enjoyed them as well.
HUGS and have a blessed weekend!