Howdy -
We are gearing up for one of our largest antique shows coming... Round Top! So this last week we have been making sure that all the pens are good... and the mineral blocks are good... all the water buckets are not leaking and floats working... Well while loading in the Goats vitamin Black sticky stinky tubs that they love.. and why I have no idea... while loading them in we "accidentally" let the goats out and into the back yard. Ok so it wasn't a major big deal and it did make it easier to get the tubs in with them gone... but then we turned around and they were all going nuts!

Running all over the yard, climbing the tree, on the back porch looking for feed... was really pretty funny. Hubby looked over at me and rolled his eyes. You see we both new there was only one easy way to get them all back into the pen. Yep they got fed some yummy feed much earlier in the day than they should... LOL All was good and then once they finished up their feed they found the nasty sticky tubs and now they are all wearing black yuck. And are all very happy..
Speaking of girls all together....
We call this "The Shoot" at the neighbors property. This is between the boys front pen and another back pen. We have hung panel gates on our fence line to drive and get back and forth on the properties with out having to go way out to the road. Hubby has been watering sections of the grass with the heat and the no rain here... the shoot is a easy area to water and the girls are making sure that any new growth is mowed down short! Growing for them so can't complain... it is their grass.
While over at the neighbors I had to take time to love on my baby Diego. Our very first baby. He is such a big handsome boy. I can't believe he is almost 10 years old!!!!
My big Gelding Boy. I couldn't sell him and so the only way to keep him was to fix him and make him a pet. So that is what we did. There was NO way we could sell our very first baby could we?
I have showed this photo many times before ... but it is just so darn cute I have to show it again... and I am sure I will have to in the future as well. And so you know... he was born in December and I was such a newbie dork I thought he would be cold and ran into town and got him a large dog coat to wear so he would be warmer. LOL such a dork. It was in the low 30's.... not cold for them, they love that weather. Ha!
Speaking of adorable. Ok - so last week I showed you the inside dogs pouting cuz they knew I was loading up for a show... I did that show last weekend. And then once home unloaded the truck and brought in some of the boxes into the dining room waiting to load up for this next show... WELL...
Miss Libbie decided that she fit just perfect into the box... smooshed down my table cloths and yes... that is a bisque doll in that box that she is laying on. You think maybe she is telling me she can fit in the box and go with me this time? LOL sweet little girl, love her! (and after I took the photo I got her out of the box and checked on the doll...)
Was a stunning sunset the other night here -
Just wanted to share the beauty -
Have a wonderful blessed weekend!
HUGS and