LOVE Springtime in Texas! All the colors are so vivid and bright~ Grass is so green, trees new leaves are so bright and the colors of all the flowers are so gorgeous.
Here you can see just the other side of Black Jacks pen, where Jolene and Irene were chowing down big time on some fresh grass, you can see the red Indian paintbrush flowers growing and if you look really close you can even see some Bluebonnets in the pen! Bluebonnets are the Texas flower and a favorite of all -
Fields of the blue can be found all over the area and it is such a beautiful sight, but I also do really love seeing fields of those Indian Paintbrushes -
This is a pasture not far from our road - so pretty!
Speaking of pretty.. Oh love this gorgeous little lady - Spec. Her and Little Bitsy love being coop-mates, they get along so well.
Here they were up on the hut enjoying the afternoon all though the breeze was really doing a number on those feathers!
Now our Handsome man Alvin was enjoying the afternoon while snacking on left over breakfast.
He is still asking for some new ladies to visit his bachelors pad, but a bit longer Alvin... I really think that we are getting close to moving the ladies out. Thelma is really the only one showing signs of babies for sure... so I want to make sure the other two ladies are not far behind on their dates.
And about Thelma...
Patti was looking at me like can I have some special attention now too?
Hope you have a wonderful weekend - enjoy a furry or feathered friend!
HUGS and -