Howdy -
Is this a handsome boy or what? My baby....
This is truly my baby... he won't go outside unless Momma says it is ok. He lays right under my feet anytime I am at my desk. He is under me when I am in the kitchen. Yep my Boy. You would never know that we shaved him an inch long all over at the beginning of summer would you? I think we are going to do it again, maybe this weekend. He will have enough time to grown it in before winter, but he gets so hot and so matted. Plus it is still 100 here remember? And he just feels really good after he is bathed and sheared... Prances around so handsome...
This is Black Jack at the end of his pasture. ( I zoomed...) He is living single again. Here is in trotting up and down the fence trying very hard to get the girls attention.
We put all the ladies together young and old last weekend. They have their old pen on our property... with a tunnel to the neighbors middle pen, gate open up to the back 10 acres. Where there is still quite a bit of coastal that they are munching non stop. We felt bad for Patti and Ellie as they are happier with their old ladies. So now old and young all the girls are together. Well together in the sense that they are in the same pasture... they are still in their groups. Funny they don't realize that the old ladies are the Moms and the young ones are their kids.... Diego, Flavio, Coffee and Toffee who had all been with the ladies are now in a private pen in the front pen at the neighbors. Not happy... but for the best.
Now this is my camera zoomed to the max... trying to show you some of the girls in their new pasture. They wouldn't come see me. And honestly it was 6pm and still 100 degrees and there was no way I was walking across 10 acres for photos yesterday evening. I was melting....
Please pay no attention to the broken fence.... old old fence that was here long before us, we don't have the property divided like the people before us... and this old fence is on the to do list to remove... yea... it gets moved down according to priorities. Just not that important at this time and it looks like nature has decided to start taking it down on its own... so now it will move up on the list I guess.
Last night the chickens had mixed veggies... frozen. They love them. Cools them down and they peck at them. Think of them as healthy popcicles. Is that spelled right?
Gathered up 5 eggs yesterday evening while the ladies were having their treat... I am now usually up to 6 a day... but the last couple of days it has been only 5....
Then as I close up the coop I turn around and see one of the reds like this... what is she doing???
I have never seen them stand like this, she was rocking back and forth and squatting. AND THEN... OH MY.... she just laid and egg right there in the yard!!! WHY???? And the biggest problem.... while I was asking Hubby to come and why did she lay it there??? Three of the other chickens ran over pecked the egg and ran off with what they could the others stayed there and ate the raw egg... until I ran over and buried it with dirt. OH MY.... we do not want them to start liking raw eggs... and WHY did she lay her egg in the yard like that after she has been doing it the coop? You think maybe she was going to do it in the coop and then when I went in with the veggies she thought she would miss out? Oh I hope that was the first and last time.
And then Little Bit was screaming at me... listen....
"Why have you been lecturing us for a month to learn to go into the coop to lay eggs... we haven't had one egg yet and you lecture us... and now she has one outside??? huh what is going on here..."
I swear that was what she was saying really... as as soon as it all happened she was following me around yammering like crazy... LOL
I gathered up the safe eggs and started heading in... goats thought that it was dinner time... in fact Gracie was hysterical about it.
She would yell... run over to the fence and me... yell and then run back to the bowl and put her front legs in it. Then do it all over again. I told Hubby I think she is talking to you Dear... "Feed me now! and put it right here ok??" Too funny....
I will try and get some photos of the Girls this week in the large pasture, they are in heaven with all the grub over there.
Hope you have a great day and weekend. We are sticking around the farm this weekend. Maybe we can mark a couple of things off that list....
HUGS and -