Howdy -
Thank you all for the wonderful comments for Libbie. They have meant a lot to us -
It has been a quiet week around the house without Libbie, we both have found ourselves looking for her and then remembering. I told Chica she was now the lead dog. First time in her 13 years that she was the boss and now the big dog bed was all hers. Libbie always made her leave it if she wanted it instead of her smaller one. So I washed everything and we stared off clean and new for Miss Chica. The next morning I got out of bed and found Chica squished in the little bed and this...
Yes.. McLaren has now claimed the big bed. I have never seen any of the cats sleep in the dog beds. But then again... Libbie was always in control. But more than once I have come around the corner and found McLaren taking naps and sleeping in the large bed. Sorry Chica... at least McLaren will share with you at times.
Went out and saw the guys the other day. Their pen is just stunning with fresh green grass!
They are LOVING it and the bellies are showing proof! lol
I would love to move Sergio into the large pen, but he doesn't get along with Patricio and Flavio too well. So for now he has to stay in his smaller private pen. He still has some nice green grass. And he is much closer for lovings and those ear scratches! And honestly sometimes a private place is nice -
Wanted to share a photo my sister sent me this month! Many of you know my nephew Tagen and years ago may have even sent him cards to cheer him up after surgery. Well he is all grown up now! Where does the time go?
He went to the local rodeo with his class group and he just had to make sure and get a photo with the miniature donkey of course!
Looks a lot like Raffie, my smiling donkey, doesn't he? So proud of Tagen - such a big heart and great young man!
Now this last week we were at the Round Top Antique Show - and it has been awhile since I shared any photos of one of the booths that Hubby and I set up with our stuff for sale. So I thought this would be a great week for it since it was one of fullest booths ever! LOL

Great stuff we have been gathering for this show! Was lots of different things for us, but fun to find! After all the hunt is most all of the fun of it right?
Hope you all enjoyed this week - and hope you will be back next week for more!