Honestly... we are doing the antique show and I have not gotten out to take photos, first of the week it rained and was nasty, and then last part of the week we have been getting home after dark. Neither very good for taking photos. So I love seeing my "babies" and how much they have changed so I hope you will too this week -
My "Smiling Donkey" that named my blog :0) He is our handsome stud Jack -
We purchased him when he was only 5 days old. We were lucky that they let us bring him home with his Mom as a loaner until he was old enough to wean. That way we could bond with him.
How about Lucy - one of our first baby goats. I totally fell in love with her and bonded right away with her.
Here she is all grown up with her last group of kids.
Josephine "Josie" - One of our girls that has a fabulous sweet loving personality. Love this shot from this summer of her.. she is funny too.
As a baby she had the most adorable "Bangs". (odd both shots are through a fence huh?)
Chloe - or as well have affectionately nicknamed "pycho goat", Gorgeous but not a friendly girl. Very cautious.
I guess the main reason for her being so stand offish, is not much handling as a baby. She was born just after my accident, I was not allowed to be out with any of the animals... that nearly did me in! She was a cutie wasn't she?
Gato our cat. She is like most cats. She owns the house. She is so much above the dogs it isn't even funny. We are very lucky she lets us live with her -
We are lucky to have her. Just don't tell her ok? Hubby and his brother found her when she was just a few weeks old. She was riding in the engine of our business delivery van. Yep.. she went all day riding in the engine. Then when they finally tracked the meowing down ( the engine is not the first place you look you know ) she freaked out and ran into the frame of the van. Have a while they finally got her out and Hubby brought her home. She was so tiny and young, I told him NO more cats. We had multiple cats over the years. It was nice to not have a little box, climbers, or something for the dogs to chase and break things. But she came home anyway... just until we found her a home. Yea... I know, I saw that little face and the meow, and that was it. She was my kittie too... I held her all day there for a while cuz she was so little. Now I can't imagine the house with out her.
My boy Autie... my love, my funny man. He is our big boy of all four toys. A little too big in fact. Sometimes it is hard to remember the little tiny timid puppy we brought home -
Oh my he was so little! Totally round and fluffy. You could hold him in one hand. Just too darn cute to even describe.
And since I showed Autie... how about Miss Libbie... she is a beautiful dog. Well when clean and brushed she is a beautiful dog.
Oh man was she a totally stunning gorgeous puppy. I use to snap photos every day, she LOVED to pose for me. And would just stop and be in one of those magazine perfect poses too. And those eyes... they would melt you! (still do at times, and they get her out of trouble too)

Hope you enjoyed. Hubby and I really sat here and oooh and had a little remember fest over all the photos. I could have kept going and showed off all of them, but I already went pretty long can you even imagine if I did everyone? LOL
Day two of the antique show! Better run!
HUGS and have a fabulous Saturday!
I love seeing th then and now photos. I had to laugh about your cat allowing you to live there. I have four indoor cats and love them all. They say that dogs have owners and cats have staff. LOL!
Thank you for these great photos, I remember so many of them. Don't think I'd seen the one of Baby Gato before, she was adorable. AS they all were & still are, of course.
Have a successful time at the antiques fair & a great weekend.
Lovely photos of all your pets.
I loved this post Michelle!
Have a great couple days at your show.
Thanks for the trip down memory lane :) Babies are so CUTE. How come baby donkeys have bangs but the adults do not?
Truly gorgeous photos to oooh and aaah over, loved every one of them. Josie's bangs ('fringe' in the UK) are adorable!! They all are so cute. Thanks Michelle. Hope you've had a good antiques day.
E.M x
What a lovely photos; I am drooling to see all the then photos; so in love with baby animals. Thanks for sharing. Have a lovely Sunday. Regards, Helen
These are just the cutest ever! - how have I not seen them before - I will be back to see them and your fab cards hugs Judith x
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Thanks for the wonderful post. It's so much fun to see how the kids (and donkeys and cat and dogs) have grown. Josie's bangs are too cute. I had no idea you could board a mom so you'd get to know the baby sooner. What a great idea.
Thanks again for sharing, I look forward to Animal Crackers every week.
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