Howdy -
Well I took another week off... Oh I am much better, not sick. But well... It came time to get out and take photos yesterday and I just chickened out. A cold front moved through, it was very muddy and drizzling. So I smiled at Hubby and asked him to please head out and take photographs for me. He thinks he can't take good photos. But this weeks shows he is much better than he thinks. He did a great job!
First up he went out and checked out Ellie Mae. She has been pretty sick. But is doing so much better! She is even putting on a little weight! Moving around well and screaming out for her breakfast each morning. That is the best sound in the world!
Vicki was nice enough to look up and pose for Hubby. She is such a beautiful girl. Dirty most of the time, she loves her dirt or mud rolls! She should be a stunning white with black and brown spots. But well... lots of dirt there!
And always close to Vicki is Pepita. Gorgeous ... like her Daddy, Black Jack.
This girl is so bonded to Vicki. And honestly is not at all happy unless she is close.
Miss Macie took a second to look up from her hay to pose for her photo. Macie has always been special lady to me. She is so sweet, calm and loving. And I love her long eyelashes and big brown eyes.
Getting older, and a little more of that white grey coming in. Beautiful!
Speaking of more grey coming in. Hubby got a fabulous photo of Fanci Pants. This one really shows off her big eyes. And sweet spirit. Oh and that grey....
He then moved on to the goat pen. They were not cooperating as much but he got a few good photos. Miss Jackie stood still and looked right at him for her photo. She is a pretty goat. Love her coloring, adore those ice blue eyes!
And as for more ice blue eyes. Miss Gracie. If you need to snap a pretty photo - you can always count on Gracie. Our super model. Big blue eyes, gorgeous coloring, and her perfect smile! Always that grin from her!
I think Hubby did a fabulous job. And he took so many wonderful photos to share this week. Don't you think???
Have a wonderfully blessed weekend -
HUGS and