Howdy -
Visiting the Ladies yesterday - they were really interested in food and Dad was running late to feed. But I did get some attention and ear scratches before he came out.
Irene seemed to be in the middle of everything. Seems she was the donkey to be leaning on - resting on a friend for sure!
She is a good height - Juliet and Irene are good buddies and together a lot of the time. But then again Juliet thinks she is in charge of all the ladies. Like they are "her girls" She is such a sweet BIG Girl herself.
Now this photo you have to take a second look at... LOL Very odd head position there and made me look again for sure! That is Vicki resting her head on Irene now!
Ouch Loud Hee Haw right in my ear! Jolene seemed to think I was being rude taking photos and not feeding them. And she let me know it big time!
OH Irene finally got to rest on someone herself! She was leaning over on Macey - But at this point I was loosing them all.
Here comes "Dad" from the house to feed... Yep no more photos of the donkeys now!
On my way back towards the house I tried and tried to get my sweet Penelope's attention... she would barely even give me a glance.

His brothers Orange and Tangerine venture out a bit more... they follow their Mom at times and she wanders way off. But at least I don't have to worry about more kittens from her now. Fixed and all Good! Still pretty skittish from us - but we did trap her in a cage haul her off and she spent a week getting her turn to get fixed. But she is home and back to her own happy spots now.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend - gunna get cold here this weekend. Our first real chance for a freeze. I am hoping we miss it as all this green grass to too much of a blessing for the fur kids to eat so late in the year. But it is December so we are past due -
HUGS and -
Good morning
Love the photos of Vicki and Irene.
Enjoy all your photos.
Look forward to them every week
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