This week it has been wet here again. Lots of rain but thankfully not as much as some of our neighboring towns. We have gotten a little over 4 inches this week. Keeping it green that is for sure!
I have a few photos from last week that was just funny to not show -
This is the side view of Macie - I showed you the front view last week... her big sweet eyes with long eye lashes... but this side view... The girl rocks the Mohawk don't you think? LOL
They all have pretty manes - but it seems lately Macies has really been standing up stylin'! Still beautiful!
Then got a snap of Darlene shaking her head - most of the time these shots are pretty blurry. But this one show those eyes closed and that ear really flappin!
Love this old lady!
Now with all this lush green vegetation around I have no idea why Irene thought she had to chew on this stick. Must have been a little country teeth cleaning going on you think?
Pretty girl - I think I am going to start slightly nagging Hubby that it is past time to let Irene have a baby. I know we are still on a bit of population control around here... but really this girl needs to have a baby don't you think... her and Raffie would really be a great pair! Yes... Nagging will start nagging ASAP.
Spartacus... this guy seriously is a clown. Not old enough to be anything close to a "man" but he thinks he some hot Buck out there and is constantly flirting with all of the gals. Even when he is off on his on and thinks no one is watching he cracks me up. I mean why bend all the way over to get a closer look... kneel down and take the weight off...
Great little "man" for sure!
Now I told you last week that Peso has women in his pen with him now. Well we have had some issues with Peso's pen before the girls went in. But now that they are sharing the space things really needed some work. You see Peso has the largest Igloo Dog House we can find. But lately it hasn't been in use. His horns have gotten so large that he was having a tough time getting into and out of the igloo. So the poor guy has had some serious problems when it rains.. You know goats believe they will melt like the Wicked Witch from the Wizard of Oz, when a drop of water hits them right? Seriously... sprinkles and it is a free for all to claim your huts. Peso was getting under his deck.. and it was a tight fit. But now with three ladies in his bachelor pad... he was out in the rain you can say -
So I was outside talking to babies and Hubby was moving out a water trough and replacing it with a new one... why waste that trough? I mean really flipped over it looked like it was just big enough for our Guy!!
I told Hubby and he agreed could work out really well... and IT DOES!
We cut an opening. (love how I use the word "we" there, LOL)... "We" cut an opening just large enough for Peso to get in and turn around. Now it is a little short... wish it was about 3 inches taller, but hey... he can lay down while in the hut. He loves it and first shower that same afternoon he claimed it right off as his hut! And when not raining he loves jumping up and laying on the top. Girls have claimed it from time to time as well. But usually Peso gets it to himself. Happy dude... New Hut he fits into and three ladies to himself, what could be better in life. Ha!
Now with all the rain we have had some extra visitors here on the farm... Turtles! Hubby totally gets excited when he finds them. Snaps a photo... talks to them for a while to let them know they are welcome and safe to stay here... then runs to find me and show me the photos of his new friends.
Love my "boy" at heart. Bugs, Frogs and Turtles he loves them. :0)
Hope you have a wonderful blessed weekend. We are hoping to get outdoors and do some work, maybe a few hours here and there, but there are chances for more rain. Hey keeps it a little cooler here, but I am really done with mud. Mud is not my friend, I no likey it! And mud in my chicken coop is a super slippery surface! We all know how my record with accidents with out additional help - - - so I have to be really really careful. Or just send Hubby in to gather the eggs... yea that works to!!
Hugs -
Absolutely love all the stories and photos this week, if I pick a favourite it would be unfair to the others - they're all fabulous! But please nag hubby about Irene Lol!! Rain today in UK, with a sunny Father's Day Sunday. Enjoy yours xx
awesome pictures! I love reading each saturday about the week at your house and seeing the babies. We had a total of 12+ inches this past week. I am so tired of it because of the grey days and how slick everything is. Falls are not much fun...experience be careful. Hope you have a great week. Vickie
Great pics again, Love the turtle too, Your DH is my kind of guy! *wink* How sweet.
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