Howdy -
LOL! There is no doubt that Malory is our much loved Lilly's grand-daughter. We miss Lilly - But every time I see Malory I grin.. and think of her.
She looks nothing like Lilly... Lilly was a light brown BIG girl. And Malory is solid black and smaller, well other than that tummy, but those eyes. POP EYES - too funny. She has her grandmother's POP EYES!
Louise made a noise .. I think it was to tell me she has pretty eyes too!
Yes Louise you do have beautiful eyes. And you are a beautiful little girl. I think she knows it...
Speaking of Good Looking .. Boy most all the donkeys have really slicked off with the horrible heat. And they are so gorgeous. Oh sorry.. Sergio, So Handsome!
He really is handsome. And yes, he knows it as well..
And since I took a handsome photo of Sergio - Jorge was SCREAMING out that he wanted attention and a photograph as well.

You can see they really are stunning when all slicked off - True colors show as well. The black donkeys look dirty red most of the year.. then slick off and are shiny black. And Jorge, he is a dirty light brown most of the year, then he turns this gorgeous dark brown grey. I went in and tried to get a photo of him with out the gate, but nope he was having none of it. He was against me in my face and obnoxious. So he gets his normal through the gate portrait.
Sweet Moxie was stretched out outside Jorge's pen waiting calmly for her belly rubs. I asked her if that was what she was waiting for and this was the look I got... Is that a Please?
So I put my phone in my pocket and got down and we had lots of belly rubs and face loving. She is so precious. I wish you could hear the little moaning and whining she does while you are talking and loving on her. She communicates constantly.
Took this of Momma Cat coming back into the back yard. She was just posing perfectly up on the old barbecue pit.
It totally amazes us how totally different she is - Last December we were freaking out on how to trap her and get her fixed, as she was totally feral and wouldn't let us come within 10 feet of her. Now she is all over us, sit on the edge of the porch and she is rubbing and shoving all over you. Hubby would love for her to come in the house and live with her kittens - yes I know another cat inside... sigh... But if something happens to Momma Cat outside Hubby will be crushed. And honestly so will I she is so sweet. But she will have no part of coming inside. She followed Chica inside one morning. Saw one of the now grown up kittens and hissed, freaked and flew out the back door. Funny she is not scared of the dogs at all, but freaks out when she sees one of her own kittens. She loves "her" property outside. But I am sure Hubby will keep asking her and trying to move her inside.
Now the last photo today, is horrible quality, there was very little light, but was too cute to not show.
I had just cleaned up this huge studio art pottery platter to sell and set it down on the bed. Excuse the fact that the bed is not made... I went to get something from the other room came back and this is how I found the platter. Ferrari thought is looked comfortable I suppose. Or it was cool and felt good? She is too adorable. Oh and did not want to give up her claim on the platter. Ha!
Hope you have your Saturday Animal Crackers Smile - if not just go back to the top and take a look at Miss Malory.. common you know she makes you grin!
Have a blessed weekend -
HUGS and
Thanks for the smiles! Enjoy your weekend!
Good Morning, enjoy the 4th of July weekend.
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