Saturday, March 1, 2025

Animal Crackers - 70-80 degree Temps! Glorious!

Howdy - 

After Cold Wet Ice and Snow we are back to 70s to Mid 80s here! It is so wonderful and we are all enjoying it! Animals have all been out enjoying the sun! I am sure we will get more cold before Spring is officially here but it is nice to get these little breaks from winter! Sorry I missed last week - Mom was in the hospital and that was the priority. Actually I totally lost track of days and it was Saturday afternoon before I even realized I had missed it... sitting in the hospital I looked up at Hubby and realized the day... Oops - I knew you guys would understand. And Mom is doing better - praying she continues to improve!

Ok now to some photos! 

Early in the morning found the three stooges banging on the back yard gate - they of course had knocked over some of Hubby's garden pots and were making a fuss that they were hungry and breakfast was not out there yet. Now it was not late - but to them they were being starved. It is coming But I was able to snap one photo before they saw "Dad" making his way to them with their hay. Cuz a soon as they saw the bale in his arms they were gone and screaming at their hay rack... Hurry Hurry!

Teddy was cracking me up - he was using his nose to push on the panel leaning on back fence to make just enough noise to be a pest. He is too funny. 

And then I found the lady goats just enjoying the morning. Nice sunshine, little bit of shade, it is a good morning! 

Lizzie is stretched out half asleep with out a care in the world. So sweet. 

Her sister Jackie had just got up from her nap and was stretching and scratching up and down the fence panels. That must feel good to them, as they love to lean as hard as they can on them and push all the way down the panels. It is also why all the panels bow out on the bottom - LOL 


I made my way over to the chicken pens to have a little talk again with the girls. They are still not laying like they should be... and having to buy eggs is really not making me happy while having to feed these girls. They need to pick up their responsibilities around here and get to producing those eggs! LOL I know Spring is coming girls...But common get to it!

Old lady Speck is too old to really be producing now. She is really more of a pet chicken now. So very sweet. I just adore how she runs to us when we come towards to coop. Chattering away. I would just love to know what she is going on about! Such a sweet old chicken! And still beautiful! 


Just had to show off Hubby's "Seeds". he started first of the month. Back half of the table is a few different varieties of tomatoes, then he has some flowering things going on too. Love the flowers, but me... I am excited for those tomatoes!

Was so awesome that he could get such an early start this year with his greenhouse!! So ahead of the game now! And everything in the greenhouse just looks fabulous despite our freezing horrible weather. This week he started the potatoes! That is going to be really exciting to watch grow. Won't be too long and all the rest can get started... yum! 

Hope you have a smile - and enjoyed this week. Thank you so much for visiting :0) 

HUGS and -

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