Howdy -
Today I start off with our sweet old lady Darlene - this beautiful girl is turning 30 in the next couple weeks.
She has her ups and downs with her health. But over all she is doing really great. She keeps up with all the other ladies... maybe in the back of the pack but keeps up. And she still knows the hint from "Dad" to move out of the pack and come for her special "old people feed" - a special equine diet for older donkeys. We love her to pieces and want to keep on celebrating her birthdays for many years!
I visited Alvin in his pen. He really has a wonderful pen - one end is sunny and has a view of the ladies donkey pen and then the other end runs along the ladies goat pen and is nicely shaded.

He is such a looker and loves showing off and head butting the fence to impress the girls. And we already know his off spring are handsome as well. I think we may do some breeding with him later this year... I miss baby goat time - wouldn't it be wonderful to have a little girl with his coloring and ice blue eyes.
I am going to talk to Hubby about putting Miss Louise in with him... those two - with their coloring and both with the ice blue eyes! Wowser!
And then maybe we would get a break from her screaming every time she is in season! Oh my she is a loud one! LOL Beautiful yes.. Loud for sure!
I then spotted our Stud - Raffie... he is showing NO interest in the three ladies in the pen with him. So that is a good sign... that and the huge bellies on two of them. LOL But he has total interest in some of the other girls off in the other pen. Ha!
I couldn't get him to look at me at all! He just couldn't risk taking his eyes off those girls! What a guy!
What a rough couple of weeks with our sweet chickens. So stressful. Poor Hubby has just gone crazy trying to keep his girls safe.
We have a dirty word around here... Raccoons... Oh my they found a way into the coop ... we lost a chicken, fixed the coop.. then again... This went on for too long. Now it has been over a week and no predators have found a way in. Praying Hubby has found every tiny little place they can work their way into. How do they get that big head and body in such tiny little spaces. Our only named chicken Spec, who is one of the older gals and thankfully she is safe. We are getting new chicks hopefully this next week. But it has been very sad around here loosing girls from our coop.
Oh and Guinea she is safe as well! We have been trying to figure out her age... she is right at 9-10 years old now we think. Amazing!

Even though she may be old she still does her fast pace fence runs ... all day long every day! Exercise keeping her young at heart? Not sure?
Now I showed off my old bird house from my Dad - I thought I had to show it off again ... with Momma Cat, our kittens Mom and outdoor cat.
We call this her "Perch" It is an antique bread box, sitting up on my back porch bench. With a blanket on it to make it soft and cozy. She LOVES this spot. It is safe, and is up just enough to get this nice breeze but is out of the sun. This is her afternoon spot, all afternoon, every afternoon. It just happens to sit right below my bird house that happens to look just like her. Adorable right?
Hope you have your Animal Crackers Smile - And we all hope you have a blessed weekend.
HUGS and -

Thanks, you for the Saturday smiles, enjoy the rest of the weekend.
Happy birthday Darlene!
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