This week the weather has been fabulous... well for July in Texas fabulous! A little bits of rain and no where near as hot as it normally is. And the animals have really been out and enjoying it! Normally in July you can't find anyone during the middle of the day to snap photos of, they are all hiding in the shade somewhere. But this week all are out enjoying lots of green grass and playing...
Ok.. this one guy has been out playing... Oh my he is cute...
He is a little braver and lets us get closer to him than his Momma does. Still very cautious but curious as well.
Hubby snapped a few great photos of the little guy playing in the flowers. But a few days earlier he got this one...
It was close to dinner time, so Momma Tuxedo was sitting just inside the goat pen waiting for Hubby to bring out her meal. And while she was waiting patiently Shadow was having a blast jumping from the high heights of the tire in the goat pen. Was so funny.. he would pop in the tire... then up on the tire and then leap as far as he could from the tire. Then it all started over again..
I went out yesterday and saw this serious conversation going on.. Oh what are they talking about?

I looked down and my dirty boy was at my feet... with one very large yawn! I think he was ready to head in for his afternoon nap in the air conditioning...
And as I typed this blog post... yep he is under my chair on my feet snoring... Love my Autie Boy! He doesn't know a bath is in his near future!
She LOVES scratches between her horns. I suppose it is a spot she can't get to herself. So so sweet!
She was sweet to me and I loved all over her, but she lost interest quickly due to me not having anything good to eat. Sorry girl... dinner will be out a bit later!
The view coming home and through the gate. Hubby mowed the men's pen this week, it was more than ready to be mowed with all the rain we have had. And the "Men" are loving all the new green grass they can now munch on. It was almost as if they were eating in a line to make sure and get all the best in a well planned out manner. But seriously.. we know men never plan out that well, this was just spreading out to have their own space of grazing.
Since it was quiet I was able to talk to Penelope and get some lovings from her. She was moving fast at me... so all I got was a close up! Wish you could have seen how fast that little tail was moving.
And then suddenly she was gone... yep Scarlet "Red" came over for attention. And what "Red" wants ... she gets. Alway in charge!
Wanted to share a peaceful photo...
The view coming home and through the gate. Hubby mowed the men's pen this week, it was more than ready to be mowed with all the rain we have had. And the "Men" are loving all the new green grass they can now munch on. It was almost as if they were eating in a line to make sure and get all the best in a well planned out manner. But seriously.. we know men never plan out that well, this was just spreading out to have their own space of grazing.
Hope you got a smile this week again - Love sharing my furry smiles with you each week!
HUGS and have a blessed weekend
LLucky You with the weather. Lots of rain here in the Great Lakes region. Little Shadow is really cute!
We have also had some rains finally. Much needed. Happy to see Shadow is less skittish than Mom. Everything looks so pretty and fresh. Have a wonderful week.
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