Howdy -
One evening this last week Hubby and I took a drive in the Jeep and went to check out the back of the property. Checking on the trees and the cracking dry ground, with all this heat and no rain things are crispy. Well the Ladies followed us to check things out with us.
Juliet looked so pretty in the sunset -
They all looked so pretty - they love when we are back there spending time in their pasture.
I think this is "Where do you think you are going?" Ha!
Then I turned forward and this is what I saw - Uh.. Yeah - they were not ready for us to move on.
More attention here please... LOL They are the boss - more attention then slowly we moved back to the front of the pasture - with our single file trail of donkeys following!
I love spending time with my fur kids! They are so funny. All though I did end up having a corner of my shirt slobbery and a pocket with hay in it. I think Josie had a mouth full of hay and got a hold of my shirt and shorts. Silly girl. Heck they are silly, lovable personalities.
Hope you enjoyed and have a smile this week.
HUGS and
Happy Weekend. Hope your heat is breaking and rains will follow.
Love seeing your pictures! Hope you have cooler weather soon.
Seeing all those beautiful faces would just make my day.
You are so lucky to have but also how much hard work you and hubby put in to make your babies happy.
Hope the weather improves for you.
Here in Australia it is just spring but it’s already hot so not looking forward to summer.
Take care.
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